Wednesday 31 August 2016

The day Aladdin and Jasmine skipped school    

On Monday 2 friends were walking to school until they stopped then one of them said “I feel bored at school , every time I walk in my classroom I get sick” said Aladdin “ don’t be so serious” replied Jasmine. “ look there is a beach let's go there and have some fun” said Aladdin “I don’t think so we might get in trouble” replied Jasmine. “Jasmine can’t you do something for once” asked Aladdin “ yes, ok fine let's go” said Jasmine.

While they were walking they saw the sand and they knew that they were close to the beach when they saw the sand and the beach Jasmin said “the sand is a golden blanket”.  After they started to play, Aladdin played with the sand and made a sand castle Jasmine  was helping too but she was getting the water so then they can put it around the castle.  While they were still there Jasmine saw lots of people and lots of animals like cats, dogs.  They tasted the salty sea water and then when Jasmine was still playing she saw a car with there 2 teachers in them Jasmin slowly went to Aladdin.

“Aladdin our 2 teachers are here” said Jasmine “what how do they know we’re here” replied Aladdin “they don’t know we’re here they just came here.”   “Let's try to get away but first let's play for a little bit more then we will go” said Aladdin.  When they were still playing one of the teachers saw them and shouted “Jasmine, Aladdin come over here!!!!” they both went there, they were as slow as sloths “ come here quickly!!!”  they were really scared so they ran as fast as cheetahs.  After Aladdin told the teachers that it was Jasmine's fault Jasmine was as angry as a grumpy lion.

Jasmine was so angry that she bit Aladdin on the leg like a vampire biting your neck the 2 teachers were really scared they jumped in the car and drived away “Owwww!!!”” yelled Aladdin “ that's for blaming everything on me” “ I was only lying to them they won’t believe they’ll think I made this all happen” said Aladdin “ohh sorry” “it’s alright at least we had fun” said Aladdin “yeah” replied Jasmin.

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Sunday 14 August 2016

Certificate codeing

This is my certificate from coding  in level 1.and I am happy and proud of myself  
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Sunday 7 August 2016


Define Tessellation
A pattern made of identical shapes:
• the shapes must fit together without any gaps
• the shapes should not overlap

Regular polygon
Irregular polygon
Screenshot 2016-08-04 at 11.47.45 AM.png
Screenshot 2016-08-04 at 11.48.04 AM.png
Regular polygon:                                        A polygon which has all its sides of equal length and all its angles of equal measures is called a regular polygon.     
A regular polygon is a polygon that is equiangular (all angles are equal in measure) and equilateral (all sides have the same length).
A polygon that doesn’t have all sides equal and all angles equal.  A polygon is "regular" only when all angles are equal and all sides are equal, otherwise it is irregular.
Irregular polygon:
A polygon which has all its sides of unequal length and all its angles of unequal measures is called an irregular polygon.
Salzman, L., (1990).  Cool Tessellations.  Creative activities that make math and science fun for kids!  P6-7)

Tessellation is an arrangement of  some shapes  fitted together, especially the polygons in a repeated pattern without gaps or overlapping.  Vertice =when two lines meet. Angles = the amount turn between two straight lines that have an end point.


This is my picture that I have chosen from researching.  And that pattern is triangles and hexagons the will keep on repeating until it is done without any overlapping.