Wednesday 22 March 2017

Colour Run and the Key Competencies

Colour Run and the Key Competencies

... Success Golden Key | by ...Runner, Sprinter, Female, Girl ...
At Our school We kids have a lot of work on the Key competencies.  

This is a photo of me:
Mar 17, 2017 2:23:11 PM.jpg

The key competencies are stuff that we are learning and the Key competencies are: participating anD contributing, Thinking, Managing self, Language, text and symbols And Relating to others.

I have been doing 1 of the key competencies and it is: Managing self Because in our school the year 4, 5 and 6 have been doing colour run and we have been practicing for the cross country so that we can go in the semi finals. and I chose Managing self because I have been challenging myself in the colour run by beating The colour that i came.  I am now coming yellow and sometimes red but i don’t come green anymore.  

I am really happy that i am improving in the colour run and i am sometimes coming red and mostly coming yellow but i am kind of coming blue and Green.

Tuesday 21 February 2017

Blog post

Assalamu Alaikum my name is Samia and Welcome to my 2017 blog.  I am a 10 year old Muslim Pakistani girl and I am going to tell you about myself and about my family: I have a mum and a dad and a twin sister and her name is Warda I also have a 9 year old sister and her name is Jabeen, A 5 year old sister and her name is Maryam and last but not least me, I don’t have a brother at in my family I only 1 person that is a male and that is my dad and the rest are females.  

I am going to tell you all about what STARS stands for: SUPPORTING EACH OTHERS, TELL THE TRUTH, ACHIEVING OUR GOALS, RESPECT and SELF- RESPONSIBILITY  you see these are what we call STARS  In our school because these are the things we do.

Thanks for looking at my blog post.

Sunday 11 December 2016

Ninga crew

Come to Rangikura school to buy these Ninja stars only 20 prep dollars each, only a limited time offer.

Where: Rangikura school, Ascot park

When: Tuesday 13 December 

Why: To see all the children's products and to buy some of them.

This is a video that me and my group made.

Monday 17 October 2016

My Book Review

Screenshot 2016-10-14 at 2.32.37 PM.png The SneetchesScreenshot 2016-10-14 at 2.32.37 PM.png

and Other stories  

Title: The Sneetches and other stories
Arthur: Dr. Seuss
Illustrator: Dr. Seuss
Story line (Summary) :
There are 2 types of  sneetches  the star belly ones and the others re plain.  The star belly sneetches think that they're the best until someone comes and brings a machine and tells them you can have a star too so they go in and wallah they have stars on their bellies but then that person goes and tells the ones who had the stars first you can go in the other machine but they waste all their money on changing but they get to go well together and that's the end.
What I liked best:
Was the end part when they all got together and when they were really happy together.
What I didn’t like:
Was the part when that guy came and wasted all their money even a penny or even a dollar.
Favourite character and why ?
My favourite characters are the star belly sneetches because they got to have barbecues and parties.
Would I recommend this book:
As a cool and awesome book because if you read it then you will feel like you're in it.

Wednesday 21 September 2016

My Olympic Artwork 2016

My Olympic Artwork 2016


This term we have been doing olympic art. This is my piece of olympic artwork that I did.  I did this because we were learning about the Rio Olympics and I also did this because we were also learning about tessellations and other art like metaphors and similes .

If you were looking close enough you would’ve seen a tessellation in the background of my artwork..  What else you will see is some similes and metaphors.  A simile is a sentence using like or as for example she was as flexible as a snake and a metaphor is a sentence without using like or as for example you were a shooting star. Both metaphors and similes are using a comparison in different ways, if you were looking close enough you would know which one is which.

One more thing that you can see is the 3 Olympic values and they go in the order like this: Excellence, Friendship and Respect and they are telling what you have to do at the olympics.  What else we learnt was that some facts about the Olympic Rings. We found out what their continents were and  this is how it goes, blue is for Europe, black is for Africa, red is for America, yellow is for Asia and finally green is for Oceania.  

The sport that I was doing was gymnastics because sometimes when I’m doing my work I sometimes wish I was a gymnast. I sometimes watch some people do some gymnastics and sometimes I like to practice my gymnastics.  My other sport that I like to do is swimming because then you get to go in the water and you won’t get hurt in races except for drowning.

In the background of my piece of art is my tessellation and the shape that I used to make my background was a triangle because when you rotate it the shape will make another shape what I really liked about my piece is that I put lots of detail in it and I think my piece is really great.