Samia’s Matariki Reflection cube
Value the past…
Kia mau koe nga kupu o ou tupuna. Hold fast to the words of your ancestors.
Think of those in your family who have passed away. what lessons\value do you take from them along with you each day? Write their name\s below.
someone special who has passed : Grandma and Grandpa
Live in the present..
Aroha mai, Aroha atu. love in love out.
sit quietly without distraction. Close your eyes and breathe slowly and deeply 5 times. While you are quietly breathing think about someone who you are grateful for having in your life.
someone I am thankful for
someone I am thankful for
Mum and Dad.
New pathways...
Ma mahi, Ka Ora. By work we prosper.
Think of two goals you would like to work on for the next 12 months. Write them in the spaces below.
A goal for the next 12 months
I will practice my math till I get good.
A goal for the next 12 months
I will share my strategies with other people. |
We made a Matariki star. We used our algebraic thinking. We had a pattern to follow:
1,2 and down
1 up
We repeated this pattern until we got the star.

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