Monday 17 October 2016

My Book Review

Screenshot 2016-10-14 at 2.32.37 PM.png The SneetchesScreenshot 2016-10-14 at 2.32.37 PM.png

and Other stories  

Title: The Sneetches and other stories
Arthur: Dr. Seuss
Illustrator: Dr. Seuss
Story line (Summary) :
There are 2 types of  sneetches  the star belly ones and the others re plain.  The star belly sneetches think that they're the best until someone comes and brings a machine and tells them you can have a star too so they go in and wallah they have stars on their bellies but then that person goes and tells the ones who had the stars first you can go in the other machine but they waste all their money on changing but they get to go well together and that's the end.
What I liked best:
Was the end part when they all got together and when they were really happy together.
What I didn’t like:
Was the part when that guy came and wasted all their money even a penny or even a dollar.
Favourite character and why ?
My favourite characters are the star belly sneetches because they got to have barbecues and parties.
Would I recommend this book:
As a cool and awesome book because if you read it then you will feel like you're in it.

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