Tuesday 22 March 2016

Venn Diagram

This is a venn diagram about two books my group read. 

A venn diagram is when you compare two things and see what the differences and the similarities are.  For example, the two books we read were both about weaving harakeke.  One different thing was that one of the books had people weaving at Pōmare school and the other has a person weaving at home. Something that was the same was they were both using harakeke (flax).

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  1. Teacher comment:
    Samia you worked really hard on this. I could hear and see the way you were making connections to how you could use your Venn Diagram to spot the similarities and differences. A good effort. Next time we will focus on providing more comparisons and making sure all statements relate to text.

  2. Comments: (What did I do well? What do I need to work on?)
    Something i did well was putting the statement in the right place something i need to work on is getting more ideas.
