Sunday 11 December 2016

Ninga crew

Come to Rangikura school to buy these Ninja stars only 20 prep dollars each, only a limited time offer.

Where: Rangikura school, Ascot park

When: Tuesday 13 December 

Why: To see all the children's products and to buy some of them.

This is a video that me and my group made.

Monday 17 October 2016

My Book Review

Screenshot 2016-10-14 at 2.32.37 PM.png The SneetchesScreenshot 2016-10-14 at 2.32.37 PM.png

and Other stories  

Title: The Sneetches and other stories
Arthur: Dr. Seuss
Illustrator: Dr. Seuss
Story line (Summary) :
There are 2 types of  sneetches  the star belly ones and the others re plain.  The star belly sneetches think that they're the best until someone comes and brings a machine and tells them you can have a star too so they go in and wallah they have stars on their bellies but then that person goes and tells the ones who had the stars first you can go in the other machine but they waste all their money on changing but they get to go well together and that's the end.
What I liked best:
Was the end part when they all got together and when they were really happy together.
What I didn’t like:
Was the part when that guy came and wasted all their money even a penny or even a dollar.
Favourite character and why ?
My favourite characters are the star belly sneetches because they got to have barbecues and parties.
Would I recommend this book:
As a cool and awesome book because if you read it then you will feel like you're in it.

Wednesday 21 September 2016

My Olympic Artwork 2016

My Olympic Artwork 2016


This term we have been doing olympic art. This is my piece of olympic artwork that I did.  I did this because we were learning about the Rio Olympics and I also did this because we were also learning about tessellations and other art like metaphors and similes .

If you were looking close enough you would’ve seen a tessellation in the background of my artwork..  What else you will see is some similes and metaphors.  A simile is a sentence using like or as for example she was as flexible as a snake and a metaphor is a sentence without using like or as for example you were a shooting star. Both metaphors and similes are using a comparison in different ways, if you were looking close enough you would know which one is which.

One more thing that you can see is the 3 Olympic values and they go in the order like this: Excellence, Friendship and Respect and they are telling what you have to do at the olympics.  What else we learnt was that some facts about the Olympic Rings. We found out what their continents were and  this is how it goes, blue is for Europe, black is for Africa, red is for America, yellow is for Asia and finally green is for Oceania.  

The sport that I was doing was gymnastics because sometimes when I’m doing my work I sometimes wish I was a gymnast. I sometimes watch some people do some gymnastics and sometimes I like to practice my gymnastics.  My other sport that I like to do is swimming because then you get to go in the water and you won’t get hurt in races except for drowning.

In the background of my piece of art is my tessellation and the shape that I used to make my background was a triangle because when you rotate it the shape will make another shape what I really liked about my piece is that I put lots of detail in it and I think my piece is really great.

Wednesday 14 September 2016

Thank you lertter to kidscan

Rangikura School
95 Conclusion Street
Ascot Park
Porirua 5024

8 September 2016

KidsCan Charitable Trust
School Communications & Research Executive
7 Beatrice Tinsley Crescent

Dear Amanda

This is a thank you letter for all the things you have given me and to say thank you for what you’ve done.

These are the things that you have gave me.  You have given me a cosy jacket, a hand sanitizer, tissues,  nuts and muesli bars, plasters, shoes  and I really appreciate you helping me when I’m cold, hungry or dirty because you help us all and we really like it, If I feel cold you will give me comfy jacket so then I won’t feel cold anymore.

Thank you Kidscan I really appreciate you helping all of us and I really like the way that you have given us everything that we need and I hope the people who got it will be happy and proud of what you have done.  I really liked all the things that you gave to me and I really appreciate it.  I would like to say a big thank you for helping me and I hope you keep up the good work.

Yours sincerely

Class blog

Tuesday 6 September 2016

Hong Kong steam challenge

Our Materials:
6 x long sticks
1 x  wooden square
2 x pipe cleaners
2 x straws
1 x 1m ruler
11 x plastic cubes
1 x bunch of Popsicle sticks
4 x wooden small flat pieces

Challenge #1 - Build a structure with a cube as the base:
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Challenge 1 was a bit easy because all we had to do was only make a structure with using only one block to hold the tower up.

Challenge #2 - Build the  tallest structure that you can and your base can be any size:
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Challenge #3 -  Build a structure with something that balances off the side of it:
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Challenge 3 was frustrating because you had to make a structure

By Samia, Patrick, Benjamin.

Monday 5 September 2016

Moment in time wk 7

Today our teacher asked us to write a ‘Moment In Time’ piece using a picture of a boy in the water.  We planned as a class to make sure we had the 5 W’s and the 6 Senses.  

Before we began our writing in small groups we discussed the importance of using descriptive writing, using similes and metaphors where appropriate, using dialogue and have done our best to make sure our punctuation is correct.  Some of us have even used ‘Show Don’t Tell’ in our writing to provide our reader with more of an experience.

Our teacher gave us 10 minutes for each paragraph and then 10 minutes for editing at the end.  We had so much fun working together!

If you have a moment, we would love you to comment on our writing.  

Boy Overboard!

In a bright sunny morning, Jack was surfing on the big sparkling waves. Suddenly a big wave came crashing towards him.  SPLASH went the crashing water over Jack as the salty water went up his nostrils, as he tried to catch his breath. “AHHHHH!!!” screamed the little boy as he started to sink deep down in the sea.  

As Jack was suffocating to get to the surface, water started rushing down his throat as he tried to swim towards his surfboard, as the water was as cold as ice. Suddenly he saw a gang of humongous sharks circling around him. The closer the sharks came to him, the more terrified he became. His heartbeat pounded as fast as lightning striking every second. He glanced at the creatures, as he grabbed his surfboard trying to surf away. “HELP! HELP!” Jack screamed as his teeth chattered, and his body was numb.

As the sharks came closer, one of them lunged towards him, biting Jack in the ribs. He could hear the crunchiness of the bones snapping, breaking into little pieces. The blood splatted into the creature’s face, as it poured down his hip, into the water.  The gang of sharks circled him like a dog chasing its tail, as Jack laid on his back looking up into the bright blue sky. “I don’t want to die this way…” Thought Jack to himself as he saw a group of paranis coming towards him.  He saw the creatures teaming up for their next chunk of meat.  His rib started stinging from the salty water, as he wasn’t ready for round 2…  

Written by Samia, Kisayah, Maria and Benjamin.
I think that we all done well because we worked as a team by helping each other with our sentences.  What I think I done well was I helped my team with their punctuation.

I think that we all did well because we all worked as a team, and helped each other with our punctuation, similes and many more. What I did well in my group is being open with my ideas and my knowledge to make our piece of writing more interesting.  
What I did well was sharing ideas with my group and putting all the ideas and making it a great moment in time.  What I think I should work on is making the moment in time more interesting for the reader.  

I think we all did well because we all shared our ideas and made a  really good moment in time.  Also I think we worked well as a team and we checked our punctuations and we made sure it made sense.  I also think we helped each other to make the moment in time a good writing so people can look at it and maybe they can comment.

Wednesday 31 August 2016

The day Aladdin and Jasmine skipped school    

On Monday 2 friends were walking to school until they stopped then one of them said “I feel bored at school , every time I walk in my classroom I get sick” said Aladdin “ don’t be so serious” replied Jasmine. “ look there is a beach let's go there and have some fun” said Aladdin “I don’t think so we might get in trouble” replied Jasmine. “Jasmine can’t you do something for once” asked Aladdin “ yes, ok fine let's go” said Jasmine.

While they were walking they saw the sand and they knew that they were close to the beach when they saw the sand and the beach Jasmin said “the sand is a golden blanket”.  After they started to play, Aladdin played with the sand and made a sand castle Jasmine  was helping too but she was getting the water so then they can put it around the castle.  While they were still there Jasmine saw lots of people and lots of animals like cats, dogs.  They tasted the salty sea water and then when Jasmine was still playing she saw a car with there 2 teachers in them Jasmin slowly went to Aladdin.

“Aladdin our 2 teachers are here” said Jasmine “what how do they know we’re here” replied Aladdin “they don’t know we’re here they just came here.”   “Let's try to get away but first let's play for a little bit more then we will go” said Aladdin.  When they were still playing one of the teachers saw them and shouted “Jasmine, Aladdin come over here!!!!” they both went there, they were as slow as sloths “ come here quickly!!!”  they were really scared so they ran as fast as cheetahs.  After Aladdin told the teachers that it was Jasmine's fault Jasmine was as angry as a grumpy lion.

Jasmine was so angry that she bit Aladdin on the leg like a vampire biting your neck the 2 teachers were really scared they jumped in the car and drived away “Owwww!!!”” yelled Aladdin “ that's for blaming everything on me” “ I was only lying to them they won’t believe they’ll think I made this all happen” said Aladdin “ohh sorry” “it’s alright at least we had fun” said Aladdin “yeah” replied Jasmin.

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Sunday 14 August 2016

Certificate codeing

This is my certificate from coding  in level 1.and I am happy and proud of myself  
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Sunday 7 August 2016


Define Tessellation
A pattern made of identical shapes:
• the shapes must fit together without any gaps
• the shapes should not overlap

Regular polygon
Irregular polygon
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Screenshot 2016-08-04 at 11.48.04 AM.png
Regular polygon:                                        A polygon which has all its sides of equal length and all its angles of equal measures is called a regular polygon.     
A regular polygon is a polygon that is equiangular (all angles are equal in measure) and equilateral (all sides have the same length).
A polygon that doesn’t have all sides equal and all angles equal.  A polygon is "regular" only when all angles are equal and all sides are equal, otherwise it is irregular.
Irregular polygon:
A polygon which has all its sides of unequal length and all its angles of unequal measures is called an irregular polygon.
Salzman, L., (1990).  Cool Tessellations.  Creative activities that make math and science fun for kids!  P6-7)

Tessellation is an arrangement of  some shapes  fitted together, especially the polygons in a repeated pattern without gaps or overlapping.  Vertice =when two lines meet. Angles = the amount turn between two straight lines that have an end point.


This is my picture that I have chosen from researching.  And that pattern is triangles and hexagons the will keep on repeating until it is done without any overlapping.

Thursday 30 June 2016

Matariki reflection cube

Matariki is time for reflection.  Yesterday with whaea Toni we took the time to reflect on our year and set a new goal.  Here is the goal I set.

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Samia’s Matariki Reflection cube

Value the past…

Kia mau koe nga kupu o ou tupuna.  Hold fast to the words of your ancestors.
Think of those in your family who have passed away. what lessons\value do you take from them along with you each day? Write their name\s below. someone special who has passed : Grandma and Grandpa Live in the present.. Aroha mai, Aroha atu. love in love out. sit quietly without distraction. Close your eyes and breathe slowly and deeply 5 times. While you are quietly breathing think about someone who you are grateful for having in your life. someone I am thankful for Kapree someone I am thankful for Mum and Dad. New pathways... Ma mahi, Ka Ora. By work we prosper. Think of two goals you would like to work on for the next 12 months. Write them in the spaces below. A goal for the next 12 months I will practice my math till I get good. A goal for the next 12 months I will share my strategies with other people.

We made a Matariki star.  We used our algebraic thinking. We had a pattern to follow: 
1,2 and down
1 up
We repeated this pattern until we got the star.


Tuesday 28 June 2016

Matariki celabration


Every year in June there is A Matariki celebration.  A Matariki celebration is when Māori and other people celebrate the seven sisters or the seven stars.  Matariki is also when Māori people do the haka powhiri and sing and dance and talk.  Also it is when we share things that are māori like knuckle bones and other things.  All the classes in our school made or did something special for it .  Also it is when we share things that are māori .

On Wednesday my class were making manu (kite) for matariki.
When we were going to start our manu our teacher put us with buddies and my buddy was Va’atino.

After  we went outside of  our school  gate to get some toe toes for our manu .   Before we were going to cut the toe-toe  we said the karakia. The karakia is when we respect the māori culture and it is when we begin the day.   Also we respected the tikanga and it is why we do what we do.

Then after that we started to measure how long the toe-toe was and it was 120cm long so we had to cut the toe-toe into 3 pieces so we did 1/3 of 120 but that was to hard so we took away the 0 from the 2 and did 12 divided by 3 =4 then we added the 0 on to the 4 and that = 40 so we did 40 cm on the toe-toe and put some colour on to the spot where  the 40 was then we catted it.  And the people who helped us  was Eraia and Mya .

After our teacher said that we needed some materials so we got the materials that she told us to get and this is what we got: pencil,ruler,wool,miss Hills glue gun,toe toes.

After when we got all those materials we got to work first we had to put all 3 of our toe-toes on our table then we put one of the toe-toes and that one is the one that has the fluffy part on top of it and put the other 2 underneath. Then we got to choose which colour wool we wanted for our manu and me and my buddy Va’atino chose black then our teacher miss Hills told us to tie a tight knot on our manu.   

Next we had to get a big piece of flax and share it with another group and we shared it with Benjamin and then we had to cut it into pieces. After we had to put it on the toe-toes next me and my buddy Va’atino had to choose another wool but this time we didn’t just get 1 wool we got to choose 2 coloured wool lots of people in my class were choosing black and red but we chose white and black.

After that we had to put both our wool together and crisis cross on our manu but first we had to  make sure that it was on top of the flax  and that we were crisis crossing in the middle toe-toe first.     Then when we were finished we had to tie the wool together just how we tie our shoe lace.  Then we did the same thing on the other toe-toes.

When we were finished Miss Hills drawed a triangle in our tē reo books then we drawed a design my design was good and so was Va’atino’s but we both chose he's one then Miss Hills gave us a black pieces of paper that was shaped as a triangle then Va’atino had to draw it then we both coloured it in.  after we had to use the glue gun to stick the drawing on our manu.  Then after that we had to take it to the hall for the Matariki celebration.

This is a photo of the matariki celebration in the hall.    when I came back to school it was dark  and was going to go in the hall there was a big line and when I mean big I mean really big then the line became shorter and shorter and when me and my sister Jabeen went in there were lots of people.  We had to sit down or stand up and say the karakia then matoa Tod had to say something and then we got to explore the place.

There were too many people that I nearly lost my sister but I called her name and she came back.  First we went to the reflection walk and we wrote our grandma who past away also we wrote our grandpa who passed away.  Then we went to where we made our kites I showed my sister how to make it.  

Then we went to the blowing rocks or shells.  Me and my sister tried to blow the shell but we couldn’t do it then the kapa haka people had to perform and I saw my other sister Warda she was really good.   After that we had to go back home and whaea becks  dropped us back home then at home I told my mum I also told my mum about when my sister Warda did the kapa haka performence.  
